Being a developer documentation, the content of this document should primarily serve as the main guidance for those integrating Transsmart into their systems. This document is not meant to describe how Transsmart operates in the logistics process-chain, but rather assumes the reader to be familiar with the business operations of Transsmart, as an organization.
The purpose of this document is to be a sufficient guideline for integrating the Transsmart platform in the operations of another system.
Though the title of this document may imply that its target audience is developers, it actually is meant to be used by all system integrators that for one reason or the other may have an interest in the Transsmart integration capabilities. So system integrators, platform/solution architects and system developers, are all perceived as being the target audience of this document.
For any reader of this document, it should be possible to easily identify what the Transsmart integration platform has to offer, in terms of versioning and their respective supported resources.
The document references all publicly available environments, i.e. beta developments, user acceptance and production.
Some information about the basic booking flow can be found in our help center.
Integration endpoints
Transsmart offers two integration endpoints:
SOAP webservice
The SOAP webservice is the longest-living integration endpoint of Transsmart. Download SOAP webservice documentation
The RESTful API has recently received a major upgrade in terms of features and capabilities.
We advice you to integrate with our RESTful API because of the advantages of having more functionalities available
The API is offered as a RESTful web service.
The API assumes a plural-based resources naming convention.
A valid and active Transsmart account.
A valid user attached to the Transsmart client account to be used.
Basic knowledge of web-services (in particular RESTful services) and the HTTP protocol.
Working knowledge of JSON or XML
Familiarity with the logistics domain.
It is import to note that this document assumes certain technical knowledge on the part of the respective user, so it should not be mistaken for a user manual. |
Environment | Base URL | Description |
Available for (pilot) customers. Changes are deployed at least 1 week before being deployed to Accept. |
Technically equal to Production except on deployment day (1 day difference); mainly used for implementations, validate new configurations and training. |
Production environment |
Postman and help center
We offer a Postman package with examples and tests to help developers understand our API and make the initial implementation easier.
We also offer more information, guides and explanations about several other integration topics. This information can be found in our help center.
Field changes
Developments are sometimes accompanied by the addition of new fields or changes to existing fields. When changing existing fields, we will make sure that they are backwards compatible and we will announce them well in advance through release notes. The addition of new fields has a shorter lead time; these changes will also be communicated via the release notes, but you should make the connection to us in such a way that no problems arise on your side when new, and therefore unknown to you, fields are added. These fields should be ignored or of course if desired, mapped to a corresponding field on your side.
HTTP verbs
The API tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP verbs.
Verb | Usage |
Mainly used to retrieve a resource though in some cases also trigger an action, for instance, in the case of document print. |
Used to create a new resource |
Used to update an existing resource, including partial updates |
Used to update an existing resource, full updates only |
Used to delete an existing resource |
HTTP status codes
The API tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP status codes.
Status code | Usage |
Standard response for successful HTTP requests. The actual response will depend on the request method used. In a GET request, the response will contain an entity corresponding to the requested resource. In a POST request, the response will contain an entity describing or containing the result of the action. |
The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. |
The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content. |
The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing). |
The server cannot or will not process the request due a missing token or due to an invalid token. |
The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible. |
Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an 'add conflict' where a duplicated record is posted, the service returns then this code with a more detailed message. |
The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support. For example, the client posts a request as text/plain, but the server requires that the post use a different format as to be aapplication/xml or application/json. |
The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Intended for use with rate-limiting schemes. See chapter 'Rate limiter' below for more information. |
A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable. |
Rate Limiter
To prevent our API from being overwhelmed, per API service type (shipment service, status service, report service etc…) we have configured rate limits per account per time frame.
When high loads of calls are being done in a very short time frame, you will receive an 429 error.
If that is the case, to avoid reaching our rate limiter, your configuration/integration needs to be verified by you or your (ERP/WMS) partner.
Most probably the amount of calls can be reduced by lowering the configuration of sending API calls for (all) shipments.
The best way to implement a correct process for handling 429 errors, is to act on the information we send back in Response Header:
X-RateLimit-Remaining: the number of remaining calls (if still allowed)
X-RateLimit-Reset: the number of milliseconds before next call may be done (in case of a blocked call)
Two other ways are either simply wait longer before sending a retry or implement an exponential backoff which means you don’t retry sending a request for instance every 0.1 second but retry 1 second later, then 10 seconds later, then 1 minute later… etc. until you get the correct response call information.
We comply with a Fair Use Policy and will adjust the values -and in exceptional cases even block requesters- if we notice there is abuse in submitting or requesting too much data. |
For these three fields we comply with below applicable ISO codes:
Parameter | Description |
ISO 639-1 two letter code in lower case. |
ISO 3166-1 two letter code in upper case. |
ISO 4217 three letter code in upper case. |
Supported Data formats
Both JSON and XML are supported as input and output data formats.
In the examples given in the resources' description only the json format is demonstrated. |
Supported characters
The shipment reference can be present in the REST request path for a shipment. The list of supported characters for this value is limited.
Supported characters:
Character | Name |
Alphanumericals |
Period, dot |
Hyphen, dash |
Underscore |
` ` |
Space |
Unsupported characters:
Character | Name |
Percentage symbol |
Backslash |
`‘ ’ ' ` |
Grave accent, single quotation mark, Apostrophe |
Plus symbol |
Colon |
Question mark |
Semicolon |
`` |
Tab, carriage return, line feed |
For all other special characters, we are not sure if all carriers accept those. We decided not to put them in the column ‘unsupported characters’ because they might work, however, we cannot guarantee that. Therefore, we recommend sticking to the supported characters only.
MyTranssmart dashboard
In a nutshell: MyTranssmart is the dashboard which can be used to manage shipments. The dashboard is fully connected to our API backend, so all actions in the dashboard are done via API request calls and responses. When opening the Developer Tools in the internet browser, the Network tab will show wich Request URL is called when doing a specific action. This way you can understand in a more visual way which calls are being used for which purpose and which responses are given.
These are the URL’s:
Environment | URL |
Direct links
The MyTranssmart dashboard supports direct links. These can be used to direct link from an ERP system to a specific page in the MyTranssmart dashboard:
Path /v2/direct/details?key=cQBauM7gcQBauM7g…&reference=71117854
Note: key and reference in this example are not valid; you need a valid customer key and reference. Don’t forget to URL encode it as required for all query parameters.
See chapter 1.1 ‘Requesting for a token’ on how to obtain the required key.
key = the login key
reference = the reference of a shipment
account = optionally, the account where the shipment is booked on. If not specified the account belonging to the key is used. This can be used if the shipment is booked on a child account and if you want to access this shipment via Act on Behalf function with the key of the parent account. See chapter 'Act on behalf' below for more information.
Accounts hierarchy
Accounts are hierarchical, meaning when logged in on an account it is also possible to access child accounts. This is reflected on the interface by specifying the account on which the action should take place. Trying to access another account will be denied with an http status 'UNAUTHORIZED'. This accounts hierarchy also applies to the accounts settings so any setting specified on an account is also applicable for the child accounts.
Act on Behalf
The 'Act on Behalf' feature of the API makes it possible to use a child or grandchild account in the same way as the account where you are logged into, which we call the main or (grand)parent account. Note that a child account is also sometimes referred to as a subaccount. Both terms mean the same. You can perform the same actions on the child account as which you can do on the logged in main account. This can be done by replacing the account code in the URL by the account code that you want the action to be performed on.
Example of booking a shipment in the main account:
1. You log in as a user of main account "DEMO"
2. You perform a booking with this URL: POST request to /v2/shipments/DEMO/BOOK
3. This will book the shipment on account "DEMO"
Example of booking a shipment in the child account:
Now for example, account "DEMOSUB" is a child account of "DEMO". If you want to book on account "DEMOSUB" the flow is:
1. You log in as a user of main account "DEMO" (so the same user as above which is a user that only exists in the main account).
2. You perform a booking with this URL: POST request to /v2/shipments/DEMOSUB/BOOK
3. This wil book the shipment on account "DEMOSUB"
The Account information endpoint provides information to which account the Act on Behalf can be performed. |
You keep the same permissions as you have on the parent account, even if the child account has less permissions.
Your main account has Reporting permissions and you log in with an user with Reporting permissions.
The child account does not have Reporting permissions which means that users that directly connect to that account will not be able to download a report. If the user that logs into the main account uses Act on Behalf to log into the child account, that user will be able to download a report for that child account.
Reported errors
Depending on the error there are three type of error structures that can be returned. For instance, in the error response of a booking call, all three structures are possible so you need to be sure you can handle all three types.
Normal error:
"status": "BAD_REQUEST",
"timestamp": "2024-02-29T12:42:49.450320273",
"code": "TS222122",
"message": "Failed to print",
"description": "No printer found for type: LASER",
Validation errors:
"status": "BAD_REQUEST",
"timestamp": "2024-02-29T12:42:49.450320273",
"code": "TS10002",
"message": "Invalid input shipment data",
"details": [{
"reference": "this_reference_is_too_long_so_an_error_will_be_reported",
"validationErrors": [{
"object": "Shipment",
"field": "reference",
"rejectedValue": "this_reference_is_too_long_so_an_error_will_be_reported",
"message": "size must be between 1 and 32"
}, {
"object": "Shipment",
"field": "carrier",
"rejectedValue": "too_long_carrier",
"message": "Carrier must be 3 characters"
Errors with detail information:
"status": "BAD_REQUEST",
"timestamp": "2024-02-29T12:42:49.450320273",
"code": "TS10002",
"message": "Batch booking error",
"description": "Booking failed for all shipments",
"details": [{
"errorCode": "TS222122",
"errorDescription": "Shipment with reference 12345 already exists with status LABL and cannot be changed.",
"errorTitle": "Batch booking failed"
This introduction has mainly introduced the Transsmart API, described how this documentation may be used and established some conventions adopted by the Transsmart API.
The next section describes the API, by defining the resources it offers, how they may be used and their respective behaviour (normal and in error).
From this point on-words, where used in this documentation, the "API" refers to and implies the Transsmart API. Also where used within this documentation, the "platform" is in reference to the Transsmart platform. |
This section describes the API.
Information regarding authenticating to API is provided first, followed by the description of the respective API resources, in relation to their related functionality.
The descriptions provide the following API properties:
Supported data formats
Supported verbs
Request/response status codes and error messages
Data type
Data Constrains (if applicable)
Data default (if applicable)
1.0 Authenticating
The API employs token based authentication.
An issued token has a 24-hour validity period.
1.1 Requesting for a token
To request for a token, make a GET request to:
GET request to environment_base_url/login
Use basic authentication with valid user credentials.
As response a JWT token is returned which is valid for 24 hours.
Having received the token, subsequent calls to the API have to be made with the token placed in the Authorization
header of the request with prefix Bearer
When the token is expired, you will receive a response that the token has expired and you will have to make sure to request for a new token.
Alternatively, you can also just request for a token every 24 hours.
Do NOT request for a token before every other API call you do; this is causing a lot of unneccesary API traffic on both our as your servers.
Example: header key Authorization
with value Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInppcCI6IkdaSVAifQ…
You can also request for a key by specifying the parameter "response=key".
This key can be used in the direct links.
This key is 24 hours valid.
To get the account where the user belongs to, specify the parameter "response=account".
To get the token, the key and the account, specify the parameter "response=token,key,account".
In case of a failed request, an appropriate response will be given, indicating a probable cause. |
2.0 Shipment management
This involves creating, booking, printing, manifesting, deleting and retrieving shipments.
Main resource:
2.1 Shipment Booking
Action parameter
The action parameter can be either CREATE , BOOK or PRINT.
With CREATE the shipment is only saved; no validation is performed. This can be used as a draft booking.
With BOOK the shipment is booked.
With PRINT the shipment is also booked and the parameter rawJob determines if the printing should be handled by the system or the to be printed documents should be returned in the response.
So in case of a rawJob, the actual base64 encoded shipment level and package level documents (PDF and/or ZPL) are included in the response.
The origin/source system of the booking can be specified in the http header 'TranssmartOrigin'. If this header is not specified then the value "API2" is used. This is not the same as the REST origin header; that one is used to track the IP address of the sender.
For all actions the same input is used but all responses are different and described below.
Consult your project manager or (implementation) consultant for more information on specific implementation needs.
The example shows a shipment with all possible values.
Using units
There are only a limited number of units allowed for both the weight and the size unit of measure.
In every case the units must be consistently used within the complete shipment. It is not allowed to use one unit on the shipment level and another unit on the package level. If this is the case, the system will return an error.
Additionally, the system reads the unit of measure of the shipment first. If empty, it will look for the first occurrence on the package level.
Delivery Note Lines
Currently, it is possible to send in Delivery Note Lines on shipment level but we strongly advice you to send them in on package level only.
We notice more and more carriers, especially when it concerns dangerous goods or customs shipments outside EU, expect the item information of each parcel to be registered on package level. For that reason in the future we plan the Delivery Note Lines on shipment level to go EOL (End of life). In case you already have an integration with us based on shipment level, we strongly advice you to change it to package level. Of course we will communicate any change regarding this in time.
Book only
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
Action to be performed; possible values are CREATE, BOOK or PRINT. With PRINT, the shipment is booked first and then printed . |
Response structure BOOK
Unresolved directive in v2/services/shipments/service_doc.adoc - include::snippets/bookShipment/response-fields.adoc[]
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response BOOK
Book and print
The same request input as book only is applicable
Path parameters PRINT
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
With PRINT, the shipment is booked first and then printed. |
Request parameters PRINT
Parameter | Description |
The user name (not the email that is used to login) from whom the print setting should be used. If the user can not be found the login user print settings are used. |
The SmartPrint connection that needs to handle the print job. The value is a concatenation of user and device in the format "user@device" or "device$@device" if SmartPrint is running as service. |
ZPL printer name |
PDF printer name |
Document printer name |
Book and print rawjob
The same request input as book only is applicable
Path parameters PRINT
as rawJob
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
With PRINT, the shipment is booked first and then printed . |
Request parameters PRINT
as rawJob
Parameter | Description |
Include the shipment and package level pdf’s and or zpl documents in the response, the documents are not printing by the service. Note this option works only with action PRINT. |
When PDF is specified any ZPL label will be converted to PDF, when ZPL is specified the normal configured type will be returned. |
Book validation error
The same parameters and request input as book only is applicable
Response structure Booking validation error
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
status |
HttpStatus |
The status of the error, e.g. BAD_REQUEST or INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. |
timestamp |
String |
The actual timestamp when the error was raised. |
code |
String |
The Transsmart internal error code, e.g. TS50001 |
message |
String |
The message given either by the carrier or by Transsmart |
details |
List |
The details given either by the carrier or by Transsmart |
details.[] |
String |
The reference of the booking. |
details.[] |
List |
List of validation errors. |
details.[] |
String |
The object that contains the field that has an error. |
details.[] |
String |
The field that has an error. |
details.[] |
Object |
The value that is rejected. |
details.[] |
String |
The reasone why the value is rejected. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response BOOK
Book by booking profile
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
Action to be performed; possible values are CREATE, BOOK or PRINT. With PRINT, the shipment is booked first and then printed . |
The booking profile to use. |
Request structure book
Path | Type | Description | Constraints | Default |
reference |
String |
Shipment reference. |
Not Null and not empty. |
carrier |
String |
The carrier. |
Fixed length of 3. |
costCenter |
String |
The cost center. |
Maximum size of 32. |
mailType |
Integer |
The mail type. |
Maximum value is 127. |
language |
String |
The language. |
Maximum size of 2. |
description |
String |
The description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
instruction |
String |
The instruction. |
Maximum size of 256. |
value |
Decimal |
The shipment monetary value. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
valueCurrency |
String |
The shipment monetary value currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
spotPrice |
Decimal |
Deprecated; replaced by monetaryDetails.type = SPOTPRICE |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
spotPriceCurrency |
String |
Deprecated; replaced by monetaryDetails.type = SPOTPRICE |
Maximum size of 3. |
pickupDate |
String |
The pickup date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
Depends on routing rules. |
pickupTime |
String |
The earliest pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
pickupTimeTo |
String |
The latest shipment pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
requestedDeliveryDate |
String |
The requested delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
Depends on routing rules. |
requestedDeliveryTime |
String |
The requested earliest delivery time |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
requestedDeliveryTimeTo |
String |
The requested lates delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
service |
String |
The service: example NON-DOCS/DOCS >> may indicate if a shipment goes out of the EU |
Maximum size of 16. |
insurance |
Boolean |
Should this shipment be insured or is it insured |
false |
serviceLevelTime |
String |
The requested service level time. |
Maximum size of 32. |
serviceLevelOther |
String |
The service level other. |
Maximum size of 256. |
incoterms |
String |
The inco terms. |
Maximum size of 16. |
inbound |
Integer |
Is this an outbound or inbound shipment (outbound= 0, inbound= 1). |
Maximum value is 1. |
0 |
loadmeters |
Decimal |
The load meters of the shipment. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
numberOfPackages |
Integer |
Maximum value is 32767. |
0 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Object |
The number of packages/collin in the shipment. |
paymentTerms |
String |
The payment terms. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The identification for the delivery note. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The currency of the price. |
Maximum size of 3. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
Total price of the all deliverynote lines. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
List |
The deliverynote lines. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The deliverynote id. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Integer |
The sequential line number. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Integer |
The quantity of products in the shipment. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The quantity unit of measure (e.g. PCS,BOX etc). |
Maximum size of 32. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Integer |
The quantity that is ordered. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Integer |
The quantity that is in back order. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The article id. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The article name. |
Maximum size of 128. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The description of the article. |
Maximum size of 256. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The HS Code. |
Maximum size of 25. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The country of origin. |
Maximum size of 3. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The price per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The currency of the price. |
Maximum size of 3. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The serialnumber of the article. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The reason of export. The following values are advised to use: Gift, Intercompany data, Sale, Sample, Repair, Return, Other. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The date for on the proforma invoice. |
Format yyyyMMdd. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The number for on the proforma invoice. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The line number for on the proforma invoice. |
Maximum size of 15. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The quantity in cubic meters. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The customer order. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The article’s ean code. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The quality of the article. |
Maximum size of 64. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The composition. |
Maximum size of 128. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The assembly instructions. |
Maximum size of 65535. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The gross weight per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The net weight per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Maximum size of 3. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
String |
The HS Code description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The net price per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The freight charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The insurance charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
Thediscount for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
deliveryNoteInformation |
Decimal |
The other charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
measurements |
Decimal |
The length of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
measurements |
Decimal |
The width of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
measurements |
Decimal |
The height of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
measurements |
Decimal |
The weight of the object (shipment, package, dangerous good). Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
measurements |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Maximum size of 3. |
measurements |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Maximum size of 3. |
additionalReferences |
List |
The additional references. |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
Mandatory. |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
The additional reference. |
Maximum size of 1024. |
monetaryDetails |
List |
The monetary details. |
[] |
String |
The type of the value. |
Has to match pattern: (GOODS| |
[] |
Decimal |
The value. |
[] |
String |
The currency of the value. |
Maximum size of 3. |
addresses |
List |
The addresses, the address indicates the type. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The type of the address. |
Has to match pattern: (SEND| |
addresses.[] |
String |
The name. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The first address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The second address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The third address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The house number. |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The city. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The zip code. |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The state. |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The country code. |
Maximum size of 3. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The building name. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The floor level. |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The department. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The doorcode. |
Maximum size of 10. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The contact information. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The phone number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The fax number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The email address. |
Maximum size of 256. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The account number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The customer number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The vat number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
Boolean wrapped in Integer |
Indicator for residential addresses. |
Maximum value is 1. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Date of birth. |
Has to match pattern: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}| |
addresses.[] |
String |
The document type whereby the contact will be identified. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The unique number of the identification document. |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The expiration date of the identification document. |
Has to match pattern: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}| |
addresses.[] |
String |
The Economic Operators Registration and Identification number. |
Has to match pattern: [A-Z]{2}[\w]{1,15}| |
[] |
List |
The customer documents. |
[] |
String |
Attached document template. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
Attached document format, e.g. PDF, PNG, GIF, CSV, etc. |
Maximum size of 8. |
[] |
String |
Attached document base64 string. |
Maximum size of 524288. |
packages |
List |
The packages/collo. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The line number for this package. |
Maximum value is 2147483647. |
packages.[] |
String |
The shipment line number for this package. In this field the SSCC code can be mapped. |
Maximum size of 32. |
packages.[] |
String |
The package type. |
Maximum size of 16. |
packages.[] |
String |
The description of the goods. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The quantity. If value is 0, the package line will be ignored. |
Mandatory. |
packages.[] |
Boolean |
Is the package is stackable? |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The stack height. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
1 |
packages.[] |
List |
The additional reference. |
packages.[] |
String |
Mandatory. |
packages.[] |
String |
The additional reference. |
Maximum size of 1024. |
packages.[] |
List |
The monetary details. |
[] |
String |
The type of the value. |
Has to match pattern: (GOODS| |
[] |
Decimal |
The value. |
[] |
String |
The currency of the value. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
Object |
Delivery note information on collo level, please note to use either shipment level or package level (preferably package level), mixing both could end up in unwanted results to the carrier. |
packages.[] |
String |
The identification for the delivery note. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The currency of the price. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
Total price of the all deliverynote lines. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
packages.[] |
List |
The deliverynote lines. |
packages.[] |
String |
The deliverynote id. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The sequential line number. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The quantity of products in the shipment. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
packages.[] |
String |
The quantity unit of measure (e.g. PCS,BOX etc). |
Maximum size of 32. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The quantity that is ordered. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The quantity that is in back order. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
packages.[] |
String |
The article id. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The article name. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
String |
The description of the article. |
Maximum size of 256. |
packages.[] |
String |
The HS Code. |
Maximum size of 25. |
packages.[] |
String |
The country of origin. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The price per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
packages.[] |
String |
The currency of the price. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The serialnumber of the article. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The reason of export. The following values are advised to use: Gift, Intercompany data, Sale, Sample, Repair, Return, Other. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The date for on the proforma invoice. |
Format yyyyMMdd. |
packages.[] |
String |
The number for on the proforma invoice. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The line number for on the proforma invoice. |
Maximum size of 15. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The quantity in cubic meters. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
String |
The customer order. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The article’s ean code. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The quality of the article. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The composition. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
String |
The assembly instructions. |
Maximum size of 65535. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The gross weight per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The net weight per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The HS Code description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The net price per article (per piece). (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The freight charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The insurance charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
Thediscount for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The other charges for on the proforma invoice. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Boolean |
Indicates if the product can be returned. |
true |
packages.[] |
List |
List of attributes. |
packages.[] |
String |
Identifier of the attribute |
Mandatory. |
packages.[] |
String |
Value of the attribute. |
Maximum size of 1024. |
packages.[] |
Object |
The dangerousgoods information. |
packages.[] |
List |
Dangerous goods gds, this object is currently obsolete. |
packages.[] |
List |
The dangerous goods lines |
packages.[] |
String |
The Id code. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The Un code. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The Un subcode. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The packing group. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The package type. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The packing classification. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
String |
The packing instruction. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The quantity. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
packages.[] |
String |
The description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
String |
The marking identifier. |
Maximum size of 64. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The limited quantity. |
Maximum value is 127. |
packages.[] |
String |
Instruction. |
Maximum size of 128. |
packages.[] |
Integer |
The limited quantity point. |
Maximum value is 9999. |
packages.[] |
String |
The tunnelcode. |
Maximum size of 16. |
packages.[] |
String |
The overpackID |
Maximum size of 24. |
packages.[] |
Boolean |
Hazardous substance indicator. |
packages.[] |
String |
The international technical name. |
Maximum size of 256. |
packages.[] |
String |
The local technical name |
Maximum size of 256. |
packages.[] |
String |
The proper international shipping name |
Maximum size of 256. |
packages.[] |
String |
The proper local shipping name |
Maximum size of 256. |
[] |
String |
The classification code. |
Maximum size of 12. |
packages.[] |
String |
The regulation level. |
Maximum size of 2. |
packages.[] |
String |
The regulation type. |
Maximum size of 5. |
packages.[] |
String |
The primary hazard class. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The secondary hazard class. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The tertiary hazard class. |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The flash point. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The control temperature. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The emergency temperature. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
String |
The temperature units-of-measure. |
Maximum size of 1. |
packages.[] |
Object |
The measurements. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The length of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The width of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The height of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The weight of the object (shipment, package, dangerous good). Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Maximum size of 3. |
packages.[] |
String |
The net explosive mass units-of-measure. |
Maximum size of 2. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The net explosive mass. |
Maximum value is 1,000,000,000 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The nett weight. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The gross weight. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The volume. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
String |
The volume units-of-measure. |
Maximum size of 8. |
packages.[] |
String |
The authorization code. |
Maximum size of 24. |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The length of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The width of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The height of the object (package, dangerous good). Is ignored when used on shipment level. Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
The weight of the object (shipment, package, dangerous good). Max 2 decimals. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
packages.[] |
Decimal |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
List |
The customer documents. |
[] |
String |
Attached document template. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
Attached document format, e.g. PDF, PNG, GIF, CSV, etc. |
Maximum size of 8. |
[] |
String |
Attached document base64 string. |
Maximum size of 524288. |
measurements |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Maximum size of 3. |
measurements |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Maximum size of 3. |
Response structure BOOK
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
[] |
String |
The airway bill number. |
[] |
String |
The carrier. |
[] |
String |
The executing carrier. |
[] |
Decimal |
Number of packages |
[] |
Decimal |
Shipment weight |
[] |
String |
The service: example NON-DOCS/DOCS >> may indicate if a shipment goes out of the EU |
[] |
String |
The used service level time. |
[] |
String |
The used service level other. |
[] |
String |
The incoterms |
[] |
Decimal |
The price. |
[] |
String |
The price currency. |
[] |
Decimal |
The sales price. |
[] |
String |
The sales price currency. |
[] |
String |
The booked pickup date |
[] |
String |
The tracking URL. |
[] |
BookingStatus |
The shipment status |
[] |
String |
The status code. |
[] |
String |
The planned delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The planned delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
List |
The list of packages |
[] |
String |
Shipment line sequence |
[] |
Integer |
The lineno of the package. |
[] |
String |
The shipment line number for this package. |
[] |
String |
Shipment line airwaybill |
[] |
String |
Shipment line status code |
[] |
String |
Carrier shipment line status |
[] |
String |
Carrier shipment line status description |
tariffLogs |
List |
List of tariff information of the shipment |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Currency of the value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge group. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The calculation type. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response BOOK
Update Shipment
Shipments can only be updated when there not in a final status.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
Request structure book
Path | Type | Description | Constraints | Default |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
Not Null and not empty. |
[] |
String |
The description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The instruction. |
Maximum size of 256. |
[] |
Decimal |
The load meters of the shipment. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
The pickup date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
String |
The earliest pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
String |
The latest shipment pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
Not Null and not empty. |
[] |
String |
The requested delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
String |
The requested earliest delivery time |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
String |
The requested lates delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
Depends on routing rules. |
[] |
Decimal |
The shipment monetary value. (Precision of 2) |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
0.00 |
[] |
String |
The shipment monetary value currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
Boolean |
Should this shipment be insured or is it insured |
false |
[] |
List |
The additional references. |
[] |
String |
Mandatory. |
[] |
String |
The additional reference. |
Maximum size of 1024. |
Response structure BOOK
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
[] |
String |
The airway bill number. |
[] |
String |
The carrier. |
[] |
String |
The executing carrier. |
[] |
Decimal |
Number of packages |
[] |
Decimal |
Shipment weight |
[] |
String |
The service: example NON-DOCS/DOCS >> may indicate if a shipment goes out of the EU |
[] |
String |
The used service level time. |
[] |
String |
The used service level other. |
[] |
String |
The incoterms |
[] |
Decimal |
The price. |
[] |
String |
The price currency. |
[] |
Decimal |
The sales price. |
[] |
String |
The sales price currency. |
[] |
String |
The booked pickup date |
[] |
String |
The tracking URL. |
[] |
BookingStatus |
The shipment status |
[] |
Boolean |
Is this shipment insured. |
[] |
String |
The status code. |
[] |
String |
The planned delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The planned delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
List |
The list of packages |
[] |
String |
Shipment line sequence |
[] |
Integer |
The lineno of the package. |
[] |
String |
The shipment line number for this package. |
[] |
String |
Shipment line airwaybill |
[] |
String |
Shipment line status code |
[] |
String |
Carrier shipment line status |
[] |
String |
Carrier shipment line status description |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
2.2 Shipment Retrieval
Shipments may be retrieved one-by-one (using the reference) or in paged batches.
Single shipment retrieval
A shipment is retrieved by its' reference which uniquely identifies it. By specified the client also the shipments of a child account can be retrieved.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Is the account to which the shipment belongs. |
Reference of shipment to be retrieved. |
Response structure not existing shipment
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
status |
HttpStatus |
The status of the error, e.g. BAD_REQUEST or INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. |
timestamp |
String |
The actual timestamp when the error was raised. |
description |
String |
The description given either by the carrier or by Transsmart |
code |
String |
The Transsmart internal error code, e.g. TS50001 |
message |
String |
The message given either by the carrier or by Transsmart |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Example response not existing shipment
Multiple shipments retrieval
If no reference is specified all shipments for the specified client are retrieved. If a referenceType is specifed a list of shipments is returned that have a additional reference with the value as specified in reference. Pagination is used to restrict the amount of data per page. In the example below a page size of 2 is used.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The reference wildcard. Optional |
If the reference type is specified the additional reference of the shipment is searched. Optional |
Effective when extended is set to true, filters response by specified carriers . Optional |
Effective when extended is set to true, filters response by specified sub-account codes. Optional |
Effective when extended is set to true, filters response by specified costceters. Optional |
Effective when extended is set to true, lower range of the date and time of creation for the shipments to be retrieved. Optional |
Effective when extended is set to true, upper range of the date and time of creation for the shipments to be retrieved. Optional |
Flag to turn on the extended shipment retrieval. Optional |
The pickup date from. Optional |
The pickup date to. Optional |
The desired page. |
The amount of items per page. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
content |
Object |
The content of this page. |
content.[] |
String |
Shipment reference, the remaining shipment structure is the same as retrieving one shipment, for description see that section. |
Not Null and not empty. |
contentType |
String |
Which objects this page contains |
pageSize |
Integer |
The amount of items per page. |
currentPage |
Integer |
The current page. |
totalPages |
Integer |
Total amount of pages. |
totalItems |
Integer |
Total amount of items. |
numberOfItems |
Integer |
Number of items in this page. |
isLastPage |
Boolean |
Indicates if this is the last page. |
isFirstPage |
Boolean |
Indicates if this is the first page. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
2.3 Shipment Deletion
There are two interface to delete shipments. The first is to delete one shipment the other is to delete a list of shipments. In both cases the client and the shipment reference needs to be provided. The response in both cases is true of the shipment could be deleted or false in case this was not possible.
Single shipment deletion
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs |
Reference of shipment to be deleted |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
If the response is true the shipment has been deleted else not.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 4
Multiple shipments deletion
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment belongs. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The references of the shipments to be deleted. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
If the response is true atleast one of the shipments has been deleted else none of the shipments are deleted.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 4
2.4 Shipment Manifesting
Manifesting of shipments. In the past, there was also a chapter 10.1 'LoadingList' but that chapter has become redundant and has been merged into this chapter 2.4 by, among others, the addition of the parameter documentType in which a carrier specific loading list code can be set.
Retrieve list
Retrieve a list of shipments ready to be manifested.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment(s) belong(s). |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The pickup date. |
The pickup date until. |
Return the results in transsmart pages. |
The carrier. |
The costCenter (optional). |
The service level time (optional). |
The service level other (optional). |
The country of the receiver (optional). |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
contentType |
String |
Which objects this page contains |
isLastPage |
Boolean |
Indicates if this is the last page. |
isFirstPage |
Boolean |
Indicates if this is the first page. |
totalItems |
Integer |
Total amount of items. |
totalPages |
Integer |
Total amount of pages. |
pageSize |
Integer |
The amount of items per page. |
currentPage |
Integer |
The current page. |
numberOfItems |
Integer |
Number of items in this page. |
content |
Object |
The content of this page. |
content |
List |
The cost centers found to be manifested. |
content |
List |
The shipments to be manifested. |
content |
String |
The costCenter of the shipment. |
Maximum size of 32. |
content |
String |
The instruction of the shipment. |
Maximum size of 32. |
content |
String |
The package types of the shipment. |
Maximum size of 32. |
content |
String |
The reference of the shipment. |
Not Null and not empty. |
content |
String |
The status of the shipment. |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
content |
String |
The airwaybill of the shipment. |
Maximum size of 256. |
content |
String |
The name of the address where the shipment is send to. |
Maximum size of 64. |
content |
String |
The zipCode of the address where the shipment is send to. |
Maximum size of 16. |
content |
String |
The city where the shipment is send to. |
Maximum size of 64. |
content |
String |
The serviceLevels of the shipment, this is a _ concatenation of the service level time and service level other (example: EUROPLUS_COD ) |
Maximum size of 32. |
content |
Integer |
The amount of packages. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
content |
Decimal |
The weight of the shipment. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
content |
Decimal |
The value of the shipment. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Download PDF list
Download a PDF list of shipments ready to be manifested.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment(s) belong(s). |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The pickup date. |
The pickup date until. |
The carrier. |
The costCenter (optional). |
The service level time (optional). |
The service level other (optional). |
The country of the receiver (optional). |
The document type to download (optional). Ask support for any carrier specific document. |
Response structure
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment"; filename="ManifestList.pdf" Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Content-Type: application/pdf
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Retrieve list filter on addref
Retrieve a list of shipments ready to be manifested and are filtered on additional reference.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment(s) belong(s). |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The pickup date. |
The pickup date until. |
The carrier. |
The costCenter (optional). |
The service level time (optional). |
The service level other (optional). |
The country of the receiver (optional). |
The value of the aditional reference (optional). |
The aditional reference type (optional). |
Response structure
same as manifestlist.
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
same as manifestlist.
Manifest shipments
Manifest shipments that are ready to be manifested.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment(s) belong(s). |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The from pickup date. |
The to pickup date. |
The carrier. |
The costCenter (optional). |
The country of the receiver (optional). |
Response structure
Returns true if shipments where manifested, else false.
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Manifest shipments filtered on addref
Manifest shipments that are ready to be manifested and are filtered on additional reference.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account to which the shipment(s) belong(s). |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The from pickup date. |
The to pickup date. |
The carrier. |
The costCenter (optional). |
The country of the receiver (optional). |
The value of the aditional reference (optional). |
The aditional reference type (optional). |
Response structure
same as Manifest shipments.
Curl Example requests
Http example:
3.0 Rates calculation
This involves a pre-booking calculation of the shipment charges before the shipment is actually booked.
More information about the working of tariffs, can be found in our help center.
Main resource:
3.1 Calculating rates
Call this resource to get a list of calculated buying and selling rates for your configured carriers and their servicelevels based on shipment details.
The following calculation are supported:
calculate, this calculates rates for all carriers and service levels.
preBooking, this completes the booking based on routing rules and then calculates the rate for that booking.
filtered, this calculates rates for the (optional) specified carrier, service levels time and service level other.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
calculate (default), preBooking or filtered, see above for explanation. |
Request fields
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The carrier. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
String |
The cost center. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
Integer wrapped in String |
The mail type. |
[] |
Decimal |
The shipment monetary value. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
General currency for shipment monetary fields. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
String |
The pickup date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The earliest pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The latest shipment pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The requested delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The requested earliest delivery time |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The requested lates delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The service: example NON-DOCS/DOCS >> may indicate if a shipment goes out of the EU |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The requested service level time. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The service level other. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The inco terms. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
Boolean wrapped in Integer |
Is this an outbound or inbound shipment (outbound= 0, inbound= 1). |
Maximum value is 1. |
[] |
Decimal |
The load meters of the shipment. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
Integer |
Maximum value is 32767. |
[] |
Measurements |
The total measurements of the shipment, deprecated use measurements in packages. |
[] |
List |
The addresses, the address indicates the type. |
[] |
String |
The type of the address. |
[] |
String |
The name. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The first address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The second address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The third address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The house number. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The city. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The zip code. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The state. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The country code. |
Maximum size of 2. |
[] |
String |
The contact information. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The phone number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The fax number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The email address. |
Maximum size of 256. |
[] |
String |
The account number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The customer number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The vat number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
Boolean wrapped in Integer |
Indicator for residential addresses. |
Maximum value is 1. |
[] |
List |
The packages/collo. |
[] |
String |
The description of the goods. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
Integer |
The line number for this package. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
[] |
String |
The package type. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
Integer |
The quantity. |
[] |
Boolean |
Is the package stackable? |
[] |
Integer |
The stack height. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
[] |
Decimal |
The length. (Precision of 2) Note that the length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The width. (Precision of 2) Note that the width on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The height. (Precision of 2) Note that the height on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The weight. (Precision of 2). |
Mandatory. |
[] |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Has to match pattern: (CM| |
[] |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
[] |
Shipment |
The shipment for which the rating is calculated. |
[] |
String |
Shipment reference. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The carrier. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
String |
The cost center. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
Integer wrapped in String |
The mail type. |
[] |
Decimal |
The shipment monetary value. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
General currency for shipment monetary fields. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
String |
The pickup date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The earliest pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The latest shipment pickup time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The requested delivery date. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
String |
The requested earliest delivery time |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The requested lates delivery time. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
String |
The service: example NON-DOCS/DOCS >> may indicate if a shipment goes out of the EU |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The requested service level time. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The service level other. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The inco terms. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
Boolean wrapped in Integer |
Is this an outbound or inbound shipment (outbound= 0, inbound= 1). |
Maximum value is 1. |
[] |
Decimal |
The load meters of the shipment. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
Integer |
Maximum value is 32767. |
[] |
Decimal |
The length. (Precision of 2) Note that the length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The width. (Precision of 2) Note that the width on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The height. (Precision of 2) Note that the height on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The weight. (Precision of 2). |
Mandatory. |
[] |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Has to match pattern: (CM| |
[] |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
[] |
List |
The addresses, the address indicates the type. |
[] |
String |
The type of the address. |
[] |
String |
The name. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The first address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The second address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The third address line. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The house number. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The city. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The zip code. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The state. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
String |
The country code. |
Maximum size of 2. |
[] |
String |
The contact information. |
Maximum size of 64. |
[] |
String |
The phone number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The fax number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The email address. |
Maximum size of 256. |
[] |
String |
The account number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The customer number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The vat number. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
Boolean wrapped in Integer |
Indicator for residential addresses. |
Maximum value is 1. |
[] |
List |
The packages/collo. |
[] |
Integer |
The line number for this package. |
Maximum value is 200000. |
[] |
String |
The description of the goods. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The package type. |
Maximum size of 16. |
[] |
Integer |
The quantity. |
[] |
Boolean |
Is the package stackable? |
[] |
Integer |
The stack height. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
[] |
Decimal |
The length. (Precision of 2) Note that the length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The width. (Precision of 2) Note that the width on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The height. (Precision of 2) Note that the height on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0. |
Mandatory. |
[] |
Decimal |
The weight. (Precision of 2). |
Mandatory. |
[] |
String |
The linear unit of measure (e.g. CM, FT, IN, YD). |
Has to match pattern: (CM| |
[] |
String |
The mass unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
[] |
List |
List of calculated rates. |
[] |
String |
The description for this rate. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
Decimal |
The sales price. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
The sales currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
Decimal |
The weight. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
The weight unit of measure.(e.g. KG, LB, OZ) |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
[] |
Decimal |
The calculated weight. (Precision of 2). |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
String |
The calculated weight type. |
Maximum size of 45. |
[] |
String |
The calculated weight unit of measure. (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
[] |
String |
The executing carrier. |
Fixed length of 3. |
[] |
String |
The description of the transit times (in Dutch). |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
Integer wrapped in Decimal |
The hours of transit based on requested pickup and delivery date times. |
Maximum value is 32767. |
[] |
String |
The carrier. |
Fixed length of 3. |
[] |
String |
The carrier name. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The service level time. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The service level other. |
Maximum size of 32. |
[] |
String |
The service level time description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The service level other description. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Pickup date, note that this can differ from the originally desired pickup date due to the carrier’s logistics. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Delivery date, note that this can differ from the originally desired delivery date due to carrier’s logistics. |
Format yyyy-MM-dd. |
[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Delivery time, note that this can differ from the originally desired delivery time due to carrier’s logistics. |
Format HH:mm. |
[] |
Decimal |
Calculated price. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
Curl Example requests
Http example
Example response
3.2 Calculating insurance
Get a list of insurance premiums for your configured insurance company.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The currency to calculate with. |
The country where the shipment is originated. |
The country where the shipment is shipped to. |
The value of the goods to be shipped. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
[] |
String |
The insurance company. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The description for this rate. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
The currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
[] |
Decimal |
The price. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
[] |
List |
The included Taxes. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
String |
Description of the charge. |
Maximum size of 128. |
[] |
Decimal |
Cost of the charge. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
Curl Example requests
Http example
Example response
3.3 Get insurance information
Get the insurance information for the shipment.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
The account. |
The booking reference. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
company |
String |
The insurance company. |
Maximum size of 128. |
currency |
String |
The currency. |
Maximum size of 3. |
claimLink |
String |
The link to claim a insurance. |
Maximum size of 256. |
policyLink |
String |
The link to the policy applicable for the insurance. |
Maximum size of 256. |
description |
String |
The description for this rate. |
Maximum size of 128. |
insuredValue |
Decimal |
The insured value. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
premium |
Decimal |
The price. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
Curl Example requests
Http example
Example response
4.0 Document printing
This involves the printing of documents that have been generated for a shipment.
Main resource:
4.1 Print document
Print shipment label by ref
The parameter rawJob determines if the printing should be handled by the system or the to be printed documents should be returned in the response. So in case of a rawJob the actual base64 encoded shipment level and package level documents (PDF and / or ZPL) are included in the response.+ In the example below the same input is used and only the parameter rawJob is false or true.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account on which the shipment has been booked. |
Reference of shipment to be printed |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
The user name (not the email that is used to login) from whom the print setting should be used. If the user can not be found the login user print settings are used. |
Include all shipment level and package level documents, either pdf and/or zpl, in base64 encoded format. When set to false Transsmart will automatically print the documents via SmartPrint. Speak with your Transsmart contact for more information on the implementation considerations |
When PDF is specified any ZPL label will be converted to PDF, when ZPL is specified the normal configured type will be returned. |
Include only the package level documents for the package indicated by the airwaybillNumber. |
The SmartPrint connection that needs to handle the print job. The value is a concatenation of user and device in the format "user@device" or "device$@device" if SmartPrint is running as service. |
ZPL printer name |
PDF printer name |
Document printer name |
Response structure print
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 18
Sent to smartprint
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Response structure rawJob
Example response rawJob
Print package label by ref/awb
This only prints the label for the indicated package per reference or airwaybillNumber. The parameter rawJob is also supported.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account on which the shipment has been booked. |
Reference of shipment to be printed |
Include only the package level documents for the package indicated by the airwaybillNumber. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Retun either pdf and/or zpl, in base64 encoded format. When set to false Transsmart will automatically print the documents via SmartPrint. Speak with your Transsmart contact for more information on the implementation considerations |
When PDF is specified any ZPL label will be converted to PDF, when ZPL specified the normal configured type will be returned. |
Response structure print
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 18
Sent to smartprint
Curl Example requests
Http example:
5.0 Shipment status tracking
This involves status tracking after a shipment is successfully booked.
More guidance can be found in our help center.
Main resource:
5.1 Status retrieval
For the status retrieval we have 2 types of retrievals:
Per shipment with a query per reference
A list of shipments based on query parameters.
5.1.1 For a single shipment
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account code |
Shipment reference |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Include the status history in chronological order. |
Only include the last status per shipment and collo, not the complete history, this parameter only works when the parameter 'isDetailed' set to true. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
reference |
String |
Shipment reference |
Not Null and not empty. |
carrier |
String |
Carrier |
Fixed length of 3. |
costcenter |
String |
Costcenter. Only returned when the backend parameter extended is set to true, contact your consultant for more details |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentStatus |
String |
Latest shipment status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
trackAndTraceUrl |
String |
Track and trace url |
Maximum size of 2048. |
airwaybill |
String |
Airwaybill |
Maximum size of 32. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account code |
Shipment reference |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Include the status history in chronological order. |
Only include the last status per shipment and collo, not the complete history, this parameter only works when the parameter 'isDetailed' set to true. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
reference |
String |
Shipment reference |
Not Null and not empty. |
carrier |
String |
Carrier |
Fixed length of 3. |
costcenter |
String |
Costcenter. Only returned when the backend parameter extended is set to true, contact your consultant for more details |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentStatus |
String |
Latest shipment status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
trackAndTraceUrl |
String |
Track and trace url |
Maximum size of 2048. |
airwaybill |
String |
Airwaybill |
Maximum size of 32. |
accountId |
String |
Account of the shipment |
Maximum size of 32. |
incoterms |
String |
Incoterms of the shipment |
Maximum size of 16. |
acceptedBy |
String |
Name of who signed of on receipt of the goods |
Maximum size of 64. |
actualDeliveryDate |
Date wrapped in String |
Actual deliverydate |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
requestedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Requested delivery date from, as sent during booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
requestedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Requested delivery date to, as sent during booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
originalPlannedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
originalPlannedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
plannedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
plannedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
price |
Decimal |
Price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
priceCurrency |
String |
Currency of the price of the shipment |
Maximum size of 3. |
pickupDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Pickup date from, of the shipment |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
pickupDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Pickup date to, of the shipment |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
description |
String |
Shipments description |
Maximum size of 128. |
instruction |
String |
Shipments instruction |
Maximum size of 128. |
weight |
String |
The weight of the shipment. May be different from the shipments original weight in case the carrier has acknowledged another value as part of the delivery status feedback. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
weightUom |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
currency |
String |
Currency of the price of the shipment |
Maximum size of 3. |
executingCarrier |
String |
The actual executing carrier in the 3 letter char code |
Fixed length of 3. |
inbound |
Integer |
Indicates if it is an inbound shipment (inbound =1 else 0) |
Maximum value is 1. |
pieces |
Integer |
Number of packages/colli in the shipment |
Maximum value is 32767. |
service |
String |
Service indicating DOCS or NON-DOCS |
Maximum size of 16. |
serviceLevelTime |
String |
Service level time like STANDARD, SAVER |
Maximum size of 32. |
serviceLevelOther |
String |
Service level other like COD, EVENING etc. |
Maximum size of 32. |
value |
Decimal |
Value of the goods, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
valueCurrency |
String |
Currency of the value of the goods |
Maximum size of 3. |
addresses |
List |
List of addresses of the shipment |
addresses.[] |
String |
Address type |
Maximum size of 4. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Name |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Street 1 |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Street 2 |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
City |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Housenumber |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Zip code |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Province / State |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The country code. |
Maximum size of 2. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Name of the contact person |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Phone number of the contact person |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Fax number of the contact person |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
E-mail address of the contact person |
Maximum size of 256. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Account number at the carrier for this address, possibly the shipment is booked with this account number but the implementation can differ per carrier, contact your consultant / project manager for more information |
Maximum size of 32. |
additionalReferences |
List wrapped in List |
List of additional references |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
Type of the additional reference |
Maximum size of 64. |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
The reference value |
Maximum size of 1024. |
statuses |
List |
List of shipment statuses |
statuses.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barocde of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
The Transsmart generic status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
statuses.[] |
String |
The weight of the shipment. May be different from the shipments original weight in case the carrier has acknowledged another value as part of the delivery status feedback. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Number of packages/colli in the shipment |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
String |
Incoterms of the shipment |
Maximum size of 16. |
statuses.[] |
Double |
Buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
Currency of the buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
Double |
Sell price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
Currency of the sell price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Minimum transit time in hours |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Maximum transit time in hours |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date and time the shipment was printed |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
statuses.[] |
String |
User of who executed the print operation |
Maximum size of 64. |
statuses.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date of the actual status chang |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus type. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus detail. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus description. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
List |
A list of documents regarding this status, currently it holds only POD’s |
statuses.[] |
String |
Type of the document like POD |
Maximum size of 12. |
statuses.[] |
String |
File type, like PNG, JPG, PDF, XPS |
Maximum size of 8. |
statuses.[] |
String |
Base64 encrypted document |
Maximum size of 16777215. |
statuses.[] |
MailInfo |
The mail that was send for this status |
statuses.[] |
Date |
Date and time a mail was send for this status |
statuses.[] |
String |
Mail template used for this mail |
statuses.[] |
String |
Mail body, the mail is Deflated (RFC 1951) and then base 64 encoded. |
shipmentLines |
List |
List of shipment lines and its statuses |
shipmentLines.[] |
Integer |
Sequential line number of this shipment line |
Maximum value is 200000. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Shipment line id |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Shipments description |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Name of who signed of on receipt of the goods |
Maximum size of 64. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Actual deliverydate |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
Price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The generic status of the collo. |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The carrier status of the collo. |
Maximum size of 16. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Description of the status code of the carrier |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The Length of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The width of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The height of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
List wrapped in List |
List of additional references |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barcode of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Type of the additional reference |
Maximum size of 64. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The reference value |
Maximum size of 1024. |
shipmentLines.[] |
List |
List of shipment statuses |
shipmentLines.[] |
Integer |
Sequential line number of this shipment line |
Maximum value is 2147483647. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barocde of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The Transsmart generic status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The carrier status. |
Maximum size of 16. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Description of the status code of the carrier |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Double |
Buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date of the actual status chang |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus type. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus detail. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus description. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
List |
A list of documents regarding this status, currently it holds only POD’s |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Type of the document like POD |
Maximum size of 12. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
File type, like PNG, JPG, PDF, XPS |
Maximum size of 8. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Base64 encrypted document |
Maximum size of 16777215. |
tariffLogs |
List |
List of tariff information of the shipment |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Currency of the value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge group. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The calculation type. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account code |
Shipment reference |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Include the status history in chronological order. |
Only include the last status per shipment and collo, not the complete history, this parameter only works when the parameter 'isDetailed' set to true. |
Response structure
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
reference |
String |
Shipment reference |
Not Null and not empty. |
carrier |
String |
Carrier |
Fixed length of 3. |
costcenter |
String |
Costcenter. Only returned when the backend parameter extended is set to true, contact your consultant for more details |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentStatus |
String |
Latest shipment status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
trackAndTraceUrl |
String |
Track and trace url |
Maximum size of 2048. |
airwaybill |
String |
Airwaybill |
Maximum size of 32. |
accountId |
String |
Account of the shipment |
Maximum size of 32. |
incoterms |
String |
Incoterms of the shipment |
Maximum size of 16. |
acceptedBy |
String |
Name of who signed of on receipt of the goods |
Maximum size of 64. |
actualDeliveryDate |
Date wrapped in String |
Actual deliverydate |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
requestedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Requested delivery date from, as sent during booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
requestedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Requested delivery date to, as sent during booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
originalPlannedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
originalPlannedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
plannedDeliveryDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
plannedDeliveryDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
price |
Decimal |
Price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
priceCurrency |
String |
Currency of the price of the shipment |
Maximum size of 3. |
pickupDateFrom |
Date wrapped in String |
Pickup date from, of the shipment |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
pickupDateTo |
Date wrapped in String |
Pickup date to, of the shipment |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
description |
String |
Shipments description |
Maximum size of 128. |
instruction |
String |
Shipments instruction |
Maximum size of 128. |
weight |
String |
The weight of the shipment. May be different from the shipments original weight in case the carrier has acknowledged another value as part of the delivery status feedback. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
weightUom |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
currency |
String |
Currency of the price of the shipment |
Maximum size of 3. |
executingCarrier |
String |
The actual executing carrier in the 3 letter char code |
Fixed length of 3. |
inbound |
Integer |
Indicates if it is an inbound shipment (inbound =1 else 0) |
Maximum value is 1. |
pieces |
Integer |
Number of packages/colli in the shipment |
Maximum value is 32767. |
service |
String |
Service indicating DOCS or NON-DOCS |
Maximum size of 16. |
serviceLevelTime |
String |
Service level time like STANDARD, SAVER |
Maximum size of 32. |
serviceLevelOther |
String |
Service level other like COD, EVENING etc. |
Maximum size of 32. |
value |
Decimal |
Value of the goods, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
valueCurrency |
String |
Currency of the value of the goods |
Maximum size of 3. |
addresses |
List |
List of addresses of the shipment |
addresses.[] |
String |
Address type |
Maximum size of 4. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Name |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Street 1 |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Street 2 |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
City |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Housenumber |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Zip code |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Province / State |
Maximum size of 16. |
addresses.[] |
String |
The country code. |
Maximum size of 2. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Name of the contact person |
Maximum size of 64. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Phone number of the contact person |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Fax number of the contact person |
Maximum size of 32. |
addresses.[] |
String |
E-mail address of the contact person |
Maximum size of 256. |
addresses.[] |
String |
Account number at the carrier for this address, possibly the shipment is booked with this account number but the implementation can differ per carrier, contact your consultant / project manager for more information |
Maximum size of 32. |
additionalReferences |
List wrapped in List |
List of additional references |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
Type of the additional reference |
Maximum size of 64. |
additionalReferences.[] |
String |
The reference value |
Maximum size of 1024. |
statuses |
List |
List of shipment statuses |
statuses.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barocde of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
The Transsmart generic status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
statuses.[] |
String |
The weight of the shipment. May be different from the shipments original weight in case the carrier has acknowledged another value as part of the delivery status feedback. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
The weight unit of measure (e.g. KG, LB, OZ). |
Has to match pattern: (KG| |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Number of packages/colli in the shipment |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
String |
Incoterms of the shipment |
Maximum size of 16. |
statuses.[] |
Double |
Buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
Currency of the buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
Double |
Sell price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
String |
Currency of the sell price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Minimum transit time in hours |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
Integer |
Maximum transit time in hours |
Maximum value is 32767. |
statuses.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date and time the shipment was printed |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
statuses.[] |
String |
User of who executed the print operation |
Maximum size of 64. |
statuses.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date of the actual status chang |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus type. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus detail. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
String |
SubStatus description. |
Maximum size of 256. |
statuses.[] |
List |
A list of documents regarding this status, currently it holds only POD’s |
statuses.[] |
String |
Type of the document like POD |
Maximum size of 12. |
statuses.[] |
String |
File type, like PNG, JPG, PDF, XPS |
Maximum size of 8. |
statuses.[] |
String |
Base64 encrypted document |
Maximum size of 16777215. |
statuses.[] |
MailInfo |
The mail that was send for this status |
statuses.[] |
Date |
Date and time a mail was send for this status |
statuses.[] |
String |
Mail template used for this mail |
statuses.[] |
String |
Mail body, the mail is Deflated (RFC 1951) and then base 64 encoded. |
shipmentLines |
List |
List of shipment lines and its statuses |
shipmentLines.[] |
Integer |
Sequential line number of this shipment line |
Maximum value is 200000. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Shipment line id |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Shipments description |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill |
Maximum size of 32. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Name of who signed of on receipt of the goods |
Maximum size of 64. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Actual deliverydate |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Original planned delivery date set at shipment booking |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Planned delivery date as sent back from the carrier during status processing |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
Price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The generic status of the collo. |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The carrier status of the collo. |
Maximum size of 16. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Description of the status code of the carrier |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The Length of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The width of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Decimal |
The height of the package of this shipment line, note length on shipment level is deprecated and will always return 0, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barcode of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
List wrapped in List |
List of additional references |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Type of the additional reference |
Maximum size of 64. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The reference value |
Maximum size of 1024. |
shipmentLines.[] |
List |
List of shipment statuses |
shipmentLines.[] |
Integer |
Sequential line number of this shipment line |
Maximum value is 2147483647. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Airwaybill / barocde of the shipment or first collo if it is a multicollo shipment |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The Transsmart generic status code |
Has to match pattern: (NONE| |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
The carrier status. |
Maximum size of 16. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Description of the status code of the carrier |
Maximum size of 128. |
shipmentLines.[] |
Double |
Buy price of the shipment, rounden down to a accuracy of two fractions. |
Maximum value is 999,999,999.99 |
shipmentLines.[] |
Date wrapped in String |
Date of the actual status chang |
Format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus type. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus detail. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
SubStatus description. |
Maximum size of 256. |
shipmentLines.[] |
List |
A list of documents regarding this status, currently it holds only POD’s |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Type of the document like POD |
Maximum size of 12. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
File type, like PNG, JPG, PDF, XPS |
Maximum size of 8. |
shipmentLines.[] |
String |
Base64 encrypted document |
Maximum size of 16777215. |
tariffLogs |
List |
List of tariff information of the shipment |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Tariff value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
Currency of the value. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge group. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The charge type. |
tariffLogs.[] |
String |
The calculation type. |
Curl Example requests
Http example:
Example response
5.1.2 For multiple shipments
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
Account code |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Start of the time windows. |
End of the time window. |
Filter shipments based on the carriers. Use the carrier code in the transsmart back-end ask your consultant for use. |
Filter shipments based on the cost c |